Tag Archives: Expedition

Scanning on the Edge of the World

Well, first of all my apologies for taking my time to fill you all in on the last week of scanning on St Kilda! By the second week the thought of carrying my laptop down to the Factors House to use the internet after heaving scanners up hills, over streams and through muddy, sheep infested […]

First Days on St Kilda

We left Glasgow on Friday on a tiny plane bound for Stornoway, and arrived in Leverburgh on Harris that evening. Angus had hoped to take us out on the boat that same night, but the weather had turned again so we had to wait until the following morning. After a night in the eclectic Bunkhouse […]

St Kilda Trip Packing: aka Suncream and Wooly Hats

Well, the Historic Scotland van has been packed full of scanning equipment, camping gear and enough chocolate biscuits to keep us going on a remote island for two weeks. Only in Scotland would you need to pack suncream AND thermal pajamas! The team are ready to leave for Leverburgh on Harris tomorrow, some of us are flying, others will […]